Once again I tried out the Bad Seeds list, and it proved pretty good at what it does - shooting things. Continued problems with dealing with heavy armour though (except Kell Bailoch, he rocked up the box cars on damage) and the Defender continues to be utterly useless except as a damage soak. Perhaps it only really works against lists with 'soft' heavies? So, factions like Circle or Cryx maybe? I think I'm going to attempt to use the Mangler on Tuesday in place of the Defender and see if it performs better.
I've also been looking at my Trollbloods and what sort of lists with surprises could be made. Burrowers just give me a headache when it comes to scenario play, and I need some sort of ranged options that aren't the Nyss Hunters. So I thought I'd build up my pDoomshaper themed force once Magnus and his Bad Seeds are finished. All I need to get is 3 units of Runeshapers and a Slag Troll.
Why a Slag Troll? Of all the light warbeasts in Trollbloods (besides the Axer), the Slag Troll can really perform quite well in melee. If I lose a heavy, the Slag Troll can actually step up to the plate. Why not a Pyre Troll? I found that having immunity to fire to be strangely debilitating. My opponents wouldn't come forward and we'd engage in a staring competition between my force (with next to no ranged attacks) and their's (with all sorts of ranged attacks). Without such immunity I've found my opponents more willing to come forward and eat a Mulg to the face.
Runeshapers. I like them but the list does suffer badly against Circle and certain anti-magic lists. I'd probably have to cater a second list to deal with any armies that bring anti-magic to the table. There's something really quite pleasant about ARM 15/17, Steady, 5 damage infantry with Pathfinder. The extra walls in the themed force don't hurt either.
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