Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Binary States

Sorry for the lack of normal updates lately, I've just been busy or sleeping.  There doesn't seem to be a calm in-between stage at the moment, it's a binary state: BUSY or UNCONSCIOUS.  I played a horrendous game against Jim on Saturday when he tested out Venethrax, a LOT of infantry, 2 pistol wraiths, and Gorman.  Those last two entries made Mulg spend the entire game out of the action - though I did come up with a viable counter-tactic later.

I'm still quite unsure about what infantry to take in my 50 point pDoomshaper list - I know I should include Janissa Stonetide, what she does for my play-style (Denial) makes her a real bonus.  However, I do have an unusually large battlegroup (2 heavies, 3 lights - 38 points worth), which doesn't leave a lot of points for infantry.  Large battlegroups need screening infantry, ideally infantry that is both expendable and flexible.  Many experiments will be conducted before the next UK Masters... Starting with a maximum unit of Kriel Warriors, no bells and whistles.  Or I could splurge all my Press Ganger points on a pDoomshaper themed list with 3 units of Runeshapers...

This Saturday is a GUGathon, so there will be gamers at the QMU until 2am.  I'll be there from about lunch time.

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