Let this day be Marked as a Momentous Occasion. It is time yet again for my quarterly win against Jim, though if I'm honest it was a totally soft win, eMagnus hoses Strakhov. We did find out that eMagnus' feat is an aura now, NOT a pulse as it was in MKi (and the field test). You pick two table edges when you declare using the feat, but it effects enemy models beginning an advance within his control area. After all this time you'd think that I'd actually read his feat text...
I demand a rematch Murchie, that Kovaas wouldn't have been able to get to me! I think...
Spoilers from the Trollbloods book dominate the faction forums at the moment, as people have been able to get hold of the book at PAX. I'm rather pleased with both the tiers for Doomshaper, especially pDoomshaper - what I was planning to get when I saw Janissa Stonetide's information follows the themed list very closely. In fact, it's so close that I end up with enough spare points for a 3rd unit of Runeshapers (not that I'll be able to physically buy them for ages) but no Lanyssa Ryssyl. It's worth testing out with proxy models at the very least. Expect some feedback on this later in the month.
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