Sunday, 21 February 2010

You've Been Mulg'ed

Had a couple of games against Sean Murchie on Saturday - my first real chance to take Mulg out for a spin and got humped both times. The first time I underestimated how far pMorghoul could send a Titan Gladiator up the field (though Mulg survived the Gladiator, the Cannoneer shot however did him in) and the second time I just totally flubbed Mulg's threat range - though I left Morghoul on 1 damage box.

New pMorghoul is intensely irritating, he's extremely difficult to pin down. With Sprint he certainly has a chance to get involved in the action and with all his extra bought attacks it's a nightmare making Tough checks. It's something that I'll have to take into account in future games.

I've also just come back from a trio of games against Mark Bonatti's Skorne (eMakeda) and a quickly knocked up Gorten Mercenary list Adam came up with. The first game against Mark lasted about 15 minutes when Mulg raced across the table during eDoomshaper's feat turn and ate eMakeda. The second game I had 3 chances to kill eMakeda and it all failed. [Unhappy face] The turning point was when I opted not to max out my Mauler to kill his Gladiator as I would have no beasts to transfer to, he then healed up the Gladiator and I lost my Mauler. Next time I'll just take the Frenzy as long as I can guarantee all the hard targets die horribly. Gorten suffered a similar fate to eMakeda in the first game when Mulg charged a Ghordson Gunner immediately in front of Gorten then beat the dwarf to death with his club.

Mulg with eDoomshaper is awesome. Whatever doubts I had are gone. Whatever the walking mountain touches dies horribly with Wild Aggression up (and often without it up). I'm not even sure I need the Dire Troll Mauler to give that extra damage to Mulg.

Having 10 Fennblades and a Krielstone Bearer unit does lead to a massive traffic jam with my forces however, I'm thinking I may have to drop the Fennblades down to a minimum unit and bring a Fellcaller instead to increase overall utility in the list and cut down on congestion. There is nothing like the parting of the Trollbloods to let Mulg charge through however, it was a thing of beauty. Moses would have been proud.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, mulg is horiffic with edoomy. The alpha strike ability with such a beast is a nightmare for opponents but must be nirvana for the troll player.

    Even though I roughyly knew how far mulg could come screeching across the table from, I still got caught and gorten was a smear on the ground.

    I really need to get more games in and start looking at making any mark 2 lists other than the quickly put together lists that i used yesterday. A cohesive force would be useful :-)
