It is here at last, the Hordes Field Test Model Update brings us tournament legal rules until we hear otherwise. Of course there are the usual typos - human form Kromac appears to be suffering from Beast Mind - but there were always going to be minor errors in a document this size.
I have two issues with some Trollblood models. Firstly, why is the Keg Carrier still slower than Borka? Secondly, pDoomshaper is made of epic fail. He doesn't even make it up to failcake. Other than that, WOOOOHOOOO! Borka and eDoomshaper are made of raw mineral awesomite, pMadrak and Grim Angus got some love. There's a list of comprehensive changes here for the Trollbloods. On the whole, I am Overjoyed with the Trollbloods. The nerfs were expected in the right places (except pDoomshaper, I liked Purification) and the buffs made me smile.
Other factions didn't make it out so well however. Circle seems to have eaten the nerf bat and Sweet Monkey Jesus on a Bike, Saeryn ate a massive nerf. Of course, this makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, but I can see that a massive dose of DOOOOOOOOOM is about to hit the forums. I have no opinion on what happened to Skorne, but I'm sure Sean will find the time to make a post (yeah, Murchie, I mean you).
On the minion front I'm really pleased with Saxon Orrik. He may just have turned into the utility solo I always wanted. Monster Hunter on Alten Ashley received the nerf I've always been hoping for. No longer do we cower in fear of losing 33% of our heavy warbeasts' life each turn. Did I mention Jim used him the entire Field Test?
I really want to use Borka against Thomas Rolland's Retribution on Tuesday now, but with Wind Wall the angry elves wouldn't stand a chance. I'll just have to Snack my way through his army instead.
Update Change Posts:
Circle of Orboros
Skorne - for an organised evil empire, you'd think they'd have an update changes thread...
Legion of Everblight
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