Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Dance Like Butterfly, Hit Like Truck

Today's scheduled game against Dermot was much like my game against Iain. Dermot is an avid Grim Angus fan and brought a solo heavy list that looked fairly mobile when he whipped it out on the table; it would prove rather less mobile than anticipated however as I was stuck in killing things very quickly. Once again I let my opponent choose my warcaster - as Dermot has only really played against Magnus he opted for Ashlynn.

Everything except for Grim and his warbeasts (Dire Troll Mauler and an Impaler) promptly died to my rampaging Steelheads - though by the time I got around to killing Grim I'd lost the majority of my army, except for the all important stabby things - Ashlynn, the odd Steelhead and cavalryman, Gorman etc. I almost administered the coup de grace using the Piper of Ord, but thought I'd better hedge my bets by shooting Grim with Ashlynn's hand cannon first; rather unfortunately it killed him. There would have been something poetic about killing a warlock or warcaster with a solo most people forget has a melee weapon.

Jim played against Iain tonight, with Iain using Khador and Jim bringing Cryx. The game was a lot closer than it should have been - we didn't have a copy of Apotheosis on us and no one thought to check Prime: Remix (and my copy is with my flatmate who has expressed an interest in starting Warmachine or Hordes). Having a copy of neither meant Iain got to apply Blood Legacy to a whole raft of character models - Great Bears, Fenris, whatever else. It wasn't pretty. However, Jim managed to pull it out of the bag in the end with a rather convoluted series of combinations to knock eVlad over, then teleport him 3 inches away so Darragh Wrathe and the remaining Soul Hunter could charge in.

Next week returns us to the usual schedule of a game against Jim, though it was unclear if he wanted to play a MKi 750 point game or a MKii game (probably 35 points if so). I'm sure we'll get in contact with each other before then. It would be nice to get my MKii rules back off him too, I'll need to go through the booklet and add in all the corrections.

There will also be some 15 point MKii duels going on at Static Games this Saturday. I won't be attending however as I'll be up north in Aberdeen for a stag party.

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