Yep, once again beaten by Jim - he was using pVlad again. I swapped out the cursed Mangler for a Nomad and dropped a halberdier to fit in Eiryss. Swapping out the Mangler was definitely a good idea against an opponent like Jim who doesn't clump his troops together, the Nomad performed fairly well, trashing half a Destroyer before it got mashed by the Destroyer and a Juggernaut. Eiryss... well she died on Jim's second turn. I think I need a lot more practice with her to stop her dying horribly. Next time I plan to use the Piper of Ord instead, the bonuses he can give my Steelheads would be incredibly useful for my play-style. I'm not good at the denial style of playing, I'd rather just get stuck in and smash stuff.
Tonight's game was still fun, though Jim had the upper hand through a lot of it - once again I almost pulled off an assassination attempt against Vlad, this time using Magnus' Backstab ability through an arc node. Unfortunately the second Arcane Bolt missed then I ate a full focus Juggernaut to the face. At least I killed a whole bunch more models than last time. Signs and Portents supported Widowmakers are still incredibly irritating, if I could fit in Gorman he could hopefully shield my troops a bit as they advanced. Oh, for the want of swamp gobbers...
Unfortunately my latest shipment of Mercenary related goods hasn't arrived yet - I blame the terrible weather. Hopefully I'll have Ashlynn ready for next week. Jim has kindly bowed out of our weekly schedule so that I can play against Mark and his Cryx. If he's not using Skarre then Ashlynn will get a go, if he is then it's back to good old Magnus.
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