Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Gaming Blog: Oh dear, more Morvahna

Jim had a rather hectic day today so couldn't make it to the game, instead I played against Tom (the one who plays Mercs) and his Circle list. Tom opted for Morvahna, Tharn Ravagers, Druids, a Pureblood and a Satyr. Oh yes, and a wayfarer who did next to nothing the entire game (no shifting stones really). Overall the game went pretty much my way except for a miss with an Obliterator rocket that deviated on to half my Steelheads - luckily it only killed one Halberdier.

The first turn was mostly moving into position but Tom moved his druids too far forward and I managed to channel a Rain of Steel (Magnus' AOE 5 spell) at them. It was slightly short but didn't deviate enough to be a problem. That promptly killed the Druid's leader so I no longer had to worry about the Devouring killing all my precious troops. The Steelheads almost wiped out the Tharn Ravagers in one turn, the last Ravager having one health and was out of charge range of my Mangler (very frustrating). Next turn the Ravagers were all back and they managed to get about half my Steelheads before I killed them all again. Having the cavalry in there mixing it up definitely helps matters - not like my game against Jim where they sat behind a wall almost the entire game.

With those out of the way only the Pureblood stood between me and Morvahna and I managed to get 3 halberdiers past the Pureblood to give Morvahna a few pokes (ooo er) with their halberds - I love reach, everything in my army has it except for Magnus and the Renegades. Tom transferred the damage to the Pureblood, taking out about half its health. Then I charge Morvahna with my last cavalryman and Tom transferred to the Pureblood again - the Satyr being undamaged at this time - which killed it. Perfect time for Magnus' feat and lo' Morvahna was surrounded by Steelheads and warjacks with a little space for Magnus to charge into next turn.

The coup de grace was accomplished by Magnus charging Morvahna and punching her in a distinctly ungentlemanly fashion. Knocked down Morvahna next to a Renegade... Game over man, game over.

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