Tuesday, 2 September 2008

New Adventure

I've just bought and read through Legends, which I'm slightly disappointed in, possibly because I read through almost all the spoilers on the forums so wasn't surprised by anything. I'm fairly disappointed with the Voyle/Stryker conflict, it reeks of crude plothole. It would have been much more interesting to keep Stryker a total bastard instead of going through the entire redemption cycle, which on the whole is terribly predictable. Legends does have a lot of very interesting miniatures however, I'm planning to get hold of the Withershadow Combine and the Black 13th Gun Mages to use in my 4e game if I ever get enough miniatures painted.

Aside from all that Warmachine goodness I've been toying with the idea of writing an adventure for 4e IK. Losing all my Black Sails work with my old hard drive's death was gutting, I poured a lot of time and effort into those adventures. I think the next adventure I write will be set in Corvis. Black Sails was set almost entirely in Five Fingers, with a trip to the Bay of Stone and then a finale just off the Ordic coast against a satyxis sea witch aboard her blackship; that's been my Five Fingers fix.

I've been digging up the Witchfire Trilogy lately, so Corvis holds a great deal of interest for me. The Thornwood is also a handy place for setting adventures, since it has many layers of past eras in it - the mysterious kingdom of Morrdh, the Orgoth, a mix of Khadoran and Cygnaran outposts. I just need a good world shaking plot and a way to tie the various elements together. I'm sure I'll come up with something once I finish gathering all my notes.

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