The Minimoto Clan have arrived. I got a starter box game against them using the Hare clan profiles and a future Prefecture Gunso. The Gunso turned out to be terrible in my warband, but Kioshi was a bit of a star with Prediction. It was very interesting to see how 'teamworky' the warband felt. What I did feel I was missing was the Command trait.
The Minimoto don't have any tricks yet, so playing against them is just like playing against fighting Ito or Prefecture. They're extremely vulnerable to control effects such as Slams, Immobilise, Held, good old Control with a capital C. They're going to need the snow witches and more blacksmiths before that happens I think.
Overall, I'm super-satisfied with the Hare clan profiles and would be willing to lock them in their current configuration. What this does mean is that I need to paint faster and order more Prefecture models so I can do testing with other stuff. I'd like to try out something with Matsu, she's got a lot of story to tell. I just had an epiphany on how the Hare clan samurai will work.
Testing games have been lined up for the next two weeks, so with the Hare profiles done, it's back to the Jung Pirates and it's time to test out a wider variety of profiles. I'm going to try out Queen of the Waves one last time, then after that it's all about Minato and Hibiki to see if their themes work.